
Congo Chronicle 19: The Golden Idol!

In the striking establishing shot above, fashion conscious readers will notice that Congo Bill has swapped his usual ecru jersey for one of Superman's-hair blue.  Never fear, the change is only superficial - he's still up to his inexplicable-yet-macho tricks, like shooting a cup out of a thirsty man's hand!

Bill drives the point home with a good right hook!  You'll drink when Congo Bill sez so and like it, see?

Well, I guess he had good cause.  Seems all the pools in the vicinity are poisoned.  Not only that, but there's a Golden Idol in the middle of the jungle with Emerald Eyes, and any man who tries to steal the gems is killed instantly!  Isn't that right, Lester Drake?

Say, I see Sheila Hanlen is still hanging around tossing off pointless bon mots, but where's Professor Kent been during all the excitement?

Sigh.  As often as I've warned Professor Kent that his obsession with rare plants was driving a wedge between he and Congo Bill, and now Sheila seems to be driving the point home for her own selfish reasons.

The intrepid party finally finds the mysterious Idol and it's oddly phallic staircase! Strange, but...not too strange for Africa!

But it seems THIS trail is none too happy, as...

A gold prospector turns up and a thrilling round of introductions ensues!

But all isn't kosher with Herr Fortescue!

Suspect?!  Yankee Dog??!  CLEARLY you don't know with whom you're dealing, Ratzi! Congo Bill is on to your villainous scheme!

Fortescue makes his escape.  But evildoers can never escape the the pull of JUNGLE JUSTICE

With a canteen of normal water, maybe.  BUT NOT WITH A CANTEEN OF THE POISONED WATER THAT CONGO BILL COLLECTED FOR TESTING!  Take THAT, Kraut! A victim of your own depraved medicine!

Well, everything REALLY tied up nicely this time, hmmm?  Then why does Professor Kent look so glum?  Find out NEXT TIME!

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