
Congo Chronicle 16: The Prehistoric Valley!

Welcome back, Congophiles! This week, from Action Comics #40, Congo Bill braves the dangers of The Prehistoric Valley!

The adventure starts, as such adventures often do, with the thrilling quest for rare fl...aw, Jeezus, Kent, I warned you once...you'd best mind yourself or Bill's going to find a rare flower of his own. Yes, that's foreshadowing.

Next morning, Prof seems to have dyed his hair and mustache and lost about thirty pounds...too little, too late Kent, to keep Congo Bill from adventuring!
"Lay" of the land indeed. How about a little mammarian symbolism? Careful, Bill....once you pass the mounds of Venus, things can get hairy!
Oh, my friend, your nightmare's just beginning. How about a little more of that symbolism we discussed earlier, hmmm?

You're in it now, buddy. But where was I? Oh, yes, inside the cave, Bill finds a mad scientist and his neice, reminiscent of Chronicle 8's Scientist/Step-daughter duo.

Seems Dr. Hanlen is keen on getting back to civilization and claiming credit for discovering the Prehistoric Valley, but Sheila thinks he's lost his marbles! She pulls Bill aside to plot their takeover of the cave when:

Bill tries to disarm the crazed scientist but as everyone knows, the strength of the insane is not to be underestimated!

Enjoy the embrace of a man, Bill, it may be the last one you get for a while. Oh, look, more foreshadowing!

The Professor darts out of the cave, not having the benefit of knowing, as all true Congophiles do, that THE WAYS OF JUSTICE ARE OFTEN STRANGE.

Wow, that's an amazing story, don't you think so Professor Kent?

I warned you Kent, and now look - all you can think about is your damn plants, and CONGO BILL IS MAKING EYES AT LITTLE MISS SHEILA HANLEN, AND TOSSING OFF SEXIST 1940'S "COMPLIMENTS" TO BOOT!

What could this possibly mean, dear readers? Has the blonde minx Sheila Hanlen finally accomplished what others before her have failed to do, destroy the fabled "companionship" of Congo Bill and Professor Kent?!?!? STAY TUNED!

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Action Comics #40....

Clark Kent reveals the secret of his success!

Zatara goes someplace together with his boys!

The Black Pirate leaves his poopdeck unguarded!

Pep Morgan makes his mark with a quick "job"!

Mr. America sneaks out of a hotel!

And the Three Aces confirm all my suspicions!

1 comment:

Rapidly approaching 40 said...

Nice imagery. How could we not see it coming?