Now, then, on to More Fun Comics #61 and "The Madman of the Jungle". There is, despite the Professor's invitation for her to stick around, no sign of the odious Gloria Desmond. Presumably her silk blouse didn't hold up too well to the steamy jungle heat, or maybe her Chanel scarf caught on a branch and strangled her. Good riddance!
We join Bill as he guides Professor Kent through the jungle. At last, we can put to rest the furious debate about whether Professor Kent is an archaeologist, as seen in Chronicle 1, or a botanist, as inferred here. He's both - and, apparently, NOTED in both disciplines!
Unfortunately, Bill still hasn't resolved his underlying resentment about Prof's methodical passion for plants...
Before a full-on argument can develop, Bill and Kent are approached by some native policemen (referred to later in the story as "stupid" - apparently a common enough problem in Africa). The police are after a dangerous escaped convict and need the help of an expert jungle tracker like Congo Bill!
As luck would have it, the pair have hardly said goodbye to the stupid police when...
Jungle tracker meets shirtless convict....reminds me of an issue of Physique Pictorial I read once!
Anyway....seems poor Allen was convicted of the murder of a former client, Jean Villon, who went crazy after crash-landing in the jungle and faked his own death, so that Allen would be framed for his murder and Villon could have the diamonds he found all to himself. Except, turns out, since Villon is crazy, the things he thinks are diamonds are actually worthless pebbles. I know, right? All that careful planning for nothing!
I should also mention that Villon is French. You can tell because a) his name is Jean, b) he's crazy, and c) he's unwashed and has beady eyes.
Villon lures our trio into into his cabin, locks them in, and sets the place on fire - giving Convict Colby an opportune moment to flex his prison-toned muscles. Welcome to the gun show, ladies!
Not to be outdone, Bill flexes his mental muscles with an ingenious escape plan!
The police are drawn by the noise of the explosion and prepare to capture Villon, but not before he's checkmated by a little JUNGLE JUSTICE!
Villon is mauled to death and everyone lives happily ever after.
I bet you "welcomed the excitement", you sly dog! It doesn't hurt that you and shirtless aviator convict Colby have a love of flying in common, does it now?
That's it for now, be back soon. But I leave you with our first CONGO BILL FUN FACT!
CONGO BILL FUN FACT #1: "The Ways of Justice are often strange!" Amen, brother!
We join Bill as he guides Professor Kent through the jungle. At last, we can put to rest the furious debate about whether Professor Kent is an archaeologist, as seen in Chronicle 1, or a botanist, as inferred here. He's both - and, apparently, NOTED in both disciplines!

Anyway....seems poor Allen was convicted of the murder of a former client, Jean Villon, who went crazy after crash-landing in the jungle and faked his own death, so that Allen would be framed for his murder and Villon could have the diamonds he found all to himself. Except, turns out, since Villon is crazy, the things he thinks are diamonds are actually worthless pebbles. I know, right? All that careful planning for nothing!

Villon lures our trio into into his cabin, locks them in, and sets the place on fire - giving Convict Colby an opportune moment to flex his prison-toned muscles. Welcome to the gun show, ladies!

That's it for now, be back soon. But I leave you with our first CONGO BILL FUN FACT!
CONGO BILL FUN FACT #1: "The Ways of Justice are often strange!" Amen, brother!
One question, why does Bill look so beleaguered in the first panel?
Money troubles, brother! Check Chronicle 7 above for the scoop!
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