Here comes trouble indeed, CB!
More Fun #64 sees Bill and Prof headed for a "friend's" plantation. Based on its size, the attacking beast seems to be a white rhinoceros, native to South and Central Africa.
Congo Bill Fun Fact: All five species of Rhinoceros (White, Black, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran) are endangered, but White Rhinocerii are the
least vulnerable, with roughly 14,500 remaining in the wild.
Lucky thing, as Congo Bill's trusty rifle puts this one down for good!
But then........

Attacked by a chimp! Ring a bell, readers? That's right, it's no ordinary chimp, it's our
old pal O'Toole!

Bill, Prof and O'Toole head for the plantation where the trouble of the month is revealed. The Plantation owner is eager to sell his land, but a mysterious bulletproof evildoer has been systematically murdering the native plantation owners in the dead of night, leaving only a threatening note behind:

The Thing??!? Surely not......

....bears a striking resemblance, that's all I'm sayin'.
Bill manages to force a confrontation with the mysterious Thing (and it's still only page 4!) but finds that the rumours of his bulletproofness are not overblown!

Next day, the threat the Thing poses become all-too clear! Looks like Bill faces a leveredged buy-out!

Not to fear, Bill has a plan. We knew he had a
lovely singing voice, but who knew he had theatrical skills as well....?

Bill chases the hooded hoodlum through the underbrush, and gives us a shot of his rippling ebony torso!

Bill is determined to stop the Thing, despite his injuries - but in the nick of time, (as he had done so capably in
Chronicle 2), O'Toole saves the day!

Once captured, The Thing turns out to be the prospective buyer (I can now reveal, dear reader, that I suspected this all along!)

Mr. Tate, after a lengthy prison stay, went on to become a partner in a
prestigious ad agency!
Next time - more hard-fisted action with Congo Bill!
1 comment:
I'm jonesing for a Congo Bill fix. When's the next one?
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