Finally fully compensating for the loss of Professor Kent and the absence of close male companionship in his adventuring, Action Comics #51 (August, 1942) sees Bill join The Flying Tigers, the elite volunteer force formed in the wake of Pearl Harbor to defend Chinese interests in the Pacific (clearly this tale was written before the Tigers were absorbed into the 23rd Fighter Group in July of that year).
Let's meet our cast of All-Americans, shall we?
We know that Bill was an air ace in the first World War, so he has no trouble falling in like Flynn with this new group of youngsters. Just one problem though - -
Almost immediately, Bill starts piecing together clues to the identity of the queer saboteur!
As Bill's a crack shot, he knows he hit the saboteur right where he wanted to! All the more curious, then, when the next day....
We're ALL wondering, Bill! No time for that, though, look who just crawled out from the Burmese jungle!
Luckily, Tex kept his wallet with him through his ordeal, only dropping it as he re-entered Detective Bill the final clue he needs! Can you guess the identity of the saboteur now, gentle reader?
Never fear, Congo Bill will lay it all out for us!

Ha ha, stupid Nazi!
Tex is finished off by an attack from his own Japa-Ratzi "friends", and the Tigers live to fly another day!
Let's meet our cast of All-Americans, shall we?
We know that Bill was an air ace in the first World War, so he has no trouble falling in like Flynn with this new group of youngsters. Just one problem though - -
Almost immediately, Bill starts piecing together clues to the identity of the queer saboteur!
A furious aerial battle with the Japanese ensues, and some of our brave boys don't make it back!
But later that night, Bill is investigating the airfield and comes upon a no-goodnik!
As Bill's a crack shot, he knows he hit the saboteur right where he wanted to! All the more curious, then, when the next day....
We're ALL wondering, Bill! No time for that, though, look who just crawled out from the Burmese jungle!
Luckily, Tex kept his wallet with him through his ordeal, only dropping it as he re-entered Detective Bill the final clue he needs! Can you guess the identity of the saboteur now, gentle reader?
Never fear, Congo Bill will lay it all out for us!

Ha ha, stupid Nazi!
Tex is finished off by an attack from his own Japa-Ratzi "friends", and the Tigers live to fly another day!
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