
Congo Chronicle 24: Suddenly - WAR!

Suddenly is right.  Without so much as a fare-thee-well, Bill has thrown over erstwhile companion-and-Professor-Kent-substitute Janet Logan, left East Africa (or maybe Libya),  and is tooling downriver "somewhere in the [Dutch] East Indies" with stereotypically-British Lt. Barlow of the RAF, missing in action for the past three months!

One might surmise that, with Action Comics #48 (approximate on-sale date, March 19, 1942) publication lags had finally caught up with real world events, namely the attack on Pearl Harbor and America's entry into WWII (the big one).  While Bill has taken the measure of a fair share of African Nazis, now he can pound the bejeezus out of the Axis powers with the full faith and credit of the U.S. of A.!

But back to our story - Bill senses something wrong and as we know from past experience, Bill's jungle hunches are usually right on the money! Finding a seemingly abandoned village, Bill and Barlow reconnoiter to find - -

The Japanazi officer lays out his plans to attack a US Marine garrison on Webb Island (which, um is in Antarctica...I'm not sure how much good the Marines there will be in stopping the Axis takeover of the Micronesia...)  Bill and Barlow are to be executed at dawn - or so the Nips think!!! Have a little JUNGLE JUSTICE, Jap!  Ka-POW!

Bill and the Lieutenant make their break, but are separated.  Bill finds an abandoned boat stocked with provisions and makes a desperate, shirtless, week-long ocean voyage toward Webb Island!

No sooner does Bill clean up and explain the danger to the island - -

Needless to say, the Japa-Ratzis are no match for our homegrown fightin' Leathernecks!

After the skirmish is over, a final plane is spotted over the island. To everyone's surprise - -

Our brave Limey ally had made his escape, stolen a Japanese plane, and made his way to the island after all!    

Now, a final plan is launched to warn the Navy of the presence of the enemy! Bill, shirtless, will swim out to the Japanese destroyer off the coast and radio the Yankee fleet, while Barlow bombs the destroyer into oblivion!  Bill's part of the plan goes off without a hitch, naturally...

Airman Barlow's, however...

A little kamikaze trick borrowed from the enemy, and good enough for 'em!!!

All's well that ends well, and what would a war story be without a poignant ending, eh what?

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