Well, we're right back into the thick of Nazi-fighting in the good ol' British-controlled Egyptian Sahara! Right away in the establishing panel, things aren't looking so good...but let's get to the bottom of things, shall we?

Seems a platoon of British boys are under attack from a mob of angry Arabs and their "foul Mu'min". Mu'min is a term from the Qu'ran meaning, literally, "faithful believer", so it seems our Church of England soldiers are none too keen on fellows of differing faiths!
In the nick of time, a plane strafes the battlefield, and out hops Congo Bill, fresh from last month's Chinese adventure, and eager to spout off words that can be quickly translated into their foreign equivalents, and vice-versa! Seems the Egyptian bedouin, or nomadic tribes (see, I can do it, too!) have mysteriously been whipped into an anti-Allies fury by Allah-knows-who!
Correction: Allah knows - - and so does the British spy who infiltrated the tribesmen. He's literally dying to utter his last words in the manly embrace of Congo Bill!
Bill heads to Cairo and dons his white linen jacket and pipe, all the better to put his crack detective skills into action...
And then - Gott in Himmel! Has Bill turned Ratzi?!??
The method behind Bill's madness will be revealed in due time - suffice to say he tracks the stranger to the underground offices of Mr. Hoffer, where he overhears a villainous plan laid out in classic 1940's comic-book-pidgin-Germanese!

Seems a platoon of British boys are under attack from a mob of angry Arabs and their "foul Mu'min". Mu'min is a term from the Qu'ran meaning, literally, "faithful believer", so it seems our Church of England soldiers are none too keen on fellows of differing faiths!
In the nick of time, a plane strafes the battlefield, and out hops Congo Bill, fresh from last month's Chinese adventure, and eager to spout off words that can be quickly translated into their foreign equivalents, and vice-versa! Seems the Egyptian bedouin, or nomadic tribes (see, I can do it, too!) have mysteriously been whipped into an anti-Allies fury by Allah-knows-who!
Correction: Allah knows - - and so does the British spy who infiltrated the tribesmen. He's literally dying to utter his last words in the manly embrace of Congo Bill!
Bill heads to Cairo and dons his white linen jacket and pipe, all the better to put his crack detective skills into action...
And then - Gott in Himmel! Has Bill turned Ratzi?!??
The method behind Bill's madness will be revealed in due time - suffice to say he tracks the stranger to the underground offices of Mr. Hoffer, where he overhears a villainous plan laid out in classic 1940's comic-book-pidgin-Germanese!
But as we Congo Billions know by now, things rarely tie up so easily on page 3 of a 6-page story, so... KA-POW!
Bill wakes to, um....throbbing consciousness, and then....errr, squirms and strains and probes his pockets (listen folks, I didn't write it, I just report.)

And though his thoughts are surely only of warning the British about the plan, don't think he's forgotten how to deliver a good old fashioned Yankee smack down! Auf Wiedersehn, Adolf!
Bill tracks down the "Mu'min"and discovers, to no one's surprise who's been paying attention:
I mean, probably anyone would jerk to attention if a nattily-dressed American man shouted "Achtung" out of a Middle Eastern window, but whatever. Let's get back to beating the crap out of Nazis!
I know what you're thinking: "How is Congo Bill, noted man of action, going to create a lasting peace between the British soldiers and the riled-up bedouin? Why, with diplomatic aplomb, silly!
And thus began the glorious era of American-Egyptian friendship and cooperation, and the end of using religion for treacherous causes. The end!
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